Patton Township is seeking feedback  from residents, businesses and interested parties on how we can better communicate with you.

Please take a few minutes to answer a short survey.  You can visit our website by clicking here.

Question Title

* 1. What sources do you generally use to stay informed on current events and news?  Please mark all that apply

Question Title

* 2. For Local news and events, please rank how you use each of these sources?

  I use very frequently (daily or more often) I use sometimes (once or twice a week) I rarely use (less than once a week) I do not use
Channel 6. 10 or 13 local on-air news or websites
Newspaper - traditional paper (CDT, Gazette)
On-line news (;
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Local Radio stations
C-NET (Channel 7) Meeting Broadcasts
C-NET (Channel 7) Community Bulletin Board
Patton Township Website
Emails from Patton Township
Communications from other Boroughs/Township s
Word of mouth

Question Title

* 3. If Patton Township provided alerts directly to you, what type of information would you like to receive? Mark all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. How  would you prefer to receive information from Patton Township? Please rank your preferences with 1 as your highest preference and 5 as your lowest preference.

Question Title

* 5. How often do you view or post on these social media applications?

  I use frequently (daily or more often) I use sometimes (a few times a week) I rarely use I do not use

Question Title

* 6. On which social media applications would you 'follow' Patton Township?  Please check all that apply

Question Title

* 7. What type of information would you like to find on our website - check all that apply

Question Title

* 8. How much do you trust the information on our website?

Question Title

* 9. Which categories below include you? Please check all that apply

Question Title

* 10. What is your age?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have any other comments about how we can improve our Township services to you?