Coffee Connections Application

Please fill out this application for the opportunity to meet with a ULI Senior Leader at the 2018 Fall Meeting in Boston. Fall Meeting will take place October 8-11. 

This program connects Young Leaders with senior-level ULI members for an exclusive mentorship opportunity. Coffee Connections will be held October 9-11 in the Boston Exhibit & Convention Center, where two to four Young Leader members and a ULI Senior Leader will meet for a brief coffee meeting to discuss tips for career success, the state of the industry, and the role of ULI in their careers.

The goal of the program is to create connections within ULI’s membership, better integrate Young Leaders through mentorship, and to show Young Leaders the value of continuing their membership in ULI.

This year, five Young Leaders will be selected and offered an exclusive opportunity to join a ULI Product Council as a guest, where they will be shadowing a designated Product Council member the afternoon of Wednesday, October 10th and join the Product Council for their annual dinner. To be considered for this opportunity, please select a Product Council which aligns best with your area of interest within the industry in the last question of the application. 

Applications are due August 17, 2018.

Mentees will be “matched” with a Mentor by September 7th with an assigned date and time. Applications will be given to the Senior Leader you are assigned to meet with.