We're really excited about the opportunity to engage residents in discovering our urban biodiversity and science generally. In this survey, we are simply asking those who are interested from SCB what your field of expertise is, what role you may be interested in participating for the BioBlitz, and if you have any other ideas you'd like to suggest, we'd really love to hear them! Do not worry, we're not asking for you to commit alot of time to this event (unless you want to). It will involve a few phonecalls and emails prior to the event to work out finer details, and your participation over the BioBlitz weekend. We hope to have enough volunteers to rotate roles, so you could commit to 3 hours or 7 hours - depending on your enthusiasm!

While this survey seems quite broad, remember we are still at the planning stages. We have tried to give some ideas about what the roles would involve, but we probably have not captured enough ideas!

Thanks for taking the time to answer the survey and looking forward to having you onboard!

Question Title

* 1. What is your field of expertise/interest? It can be broad to specific e.g. Invertebrates vs. Butterflies

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* 2. What role would you be interested in for the City's BioBlitz 2017?

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* 3. Do you have any other ideas that you would like to suggest for the BioBlitz at Sydney Park or other activities you would like to be involved in?

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* 4. What is your availability over the weekend?

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* 5. Please provide your contact details e.g. email annd/or mobile phone so we can get in touch to talk BioBlitz.