Welcome to the survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
Vanguard Student Survey Informed Consent

Description:  The study you are about to participate in is designed to investigate student interest and involvement in clubs on campus. You have been invited to participate because you are a student at Vanguard University.

Time Involvement:  This survey will take 5 minutes or less.

Voluntary Participation:  Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate in this study will not affect your relationship with Vanguard University or negatively affect your grade in any class. 

Clicking on the agree button in the electronic survey or signing the attached consent form indicates that you have read the above information, are at least 18 years of age, and voluntarily agree to participate. If you decline, please hit the disagree button or exit out of the survey.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to participate in this survey