Thank you for viewing the information about safer cleaning practices in your home. For each question below, please tell us what you think about the content of the information you viewed.

Question Title

2. What is your race? Check all that apply

Question Title

3. Are you Hispanic/Latino?

Question Title

4. For the questions below, please tell us what you think about the content of the information you viewed about safer cleaning practices in your home.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The information is helpful to me.
It will be easy for me to do the things the information suggested.

Question Title

5. How much more do you know now about each of the topics below compared to before you took the class?

1-I already knew it before the class
2-I did not learn anything and still need to know more
3-I learned something
4-I learned a lot

  1 2 3 4
How to clean safely if someone in the house has COVID-19 or might have COVID-19.
Using soap and water to clean surfaces regularly.
Using a microfiber cloth when you clean.
Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces in the home.
Using disinfectants safely.
Using EPA Safer Choice products for cleaning surfaces.
When using disinfectants, it should be glistening wet on the surface, for the recommended contact time, before you wipe them away.