The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for sharing your input. 

Question Title

* What is the name of your business?

Question Title

* In which county is your business located?  For multiple locations, please indicate your primary location.

Question Title

* Please indicate the number of workers your organization/business employs in the Clayton County area.

Question Title

* From the list below, select the factors best describe why you do business in Clayton County?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* Has your business been negatively impacted by COVID-19?

Question Title

* How has the crisis impacted your business profitability?

Question Title

* If your business has been negatively impacted, which signals have you received in the past few weeks? (Select all that apply.)  If your business has not been negatively impacted, please select N/A.

Question Title

* Please indicate the level of threat that you expect to feel from the following sources toward the continuation of your daily operations during the next three months?

  Significant Threat Modest Threat No Threat Not Applicable
Lost income and cash
Negative cash flow (due to delayed sales or income)
Increased expenses (overtime costs, outsourcing, expediting, etc.)
Loss of talent/workforce
Fines (regulatory, contractual or loss of contractual bonuses)
Customer dissatisfaction
Delay in executing business or strategic plan

Question Title

* Beyond the short-term impact of COVID-19, to what extent do you believe the following factors will affect your business for the remainder of 2020?

  Major Concern Big Concern Average Concern Somewhat of a Concern Not a Concern
Effects of world economic crisis
New tax or other fiscal measures
Seasonal industry trends
Decline in customer expendable income
Talent/Workforce shortages
Regulatory environment
A second surge of COVID-19

Question Title

* How long will your current cash sustain your organization given the current environment?

Question Title

* To what extent do you believe the following sources can assist in meeting your business needs at this time?

  Strong Capable Marginal  None
Private Equity
Local/Regional lending institutions
Local/Regional non-profit organizations
Federal government
State government
Local government

Question Title

* Have you applied for assistance under any of the following programs?  Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* Is your business in need of a product or service to support your efforts to respond and/or reopen your business?

Question Title

* Has your business displayed innovation during this time?  If yes, please describe the innovations have occurred.  If no, please select N/A.

Question Title

* What resources can the Chamber and fellow economic development organizations provide to you and your business to support your response to COVID-19 and the related economic impact?  Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* Is your business a member of the Clayton County Chamber of Commerce?

Question Title

* In case we need to follow-up, please provide contact information.