The New York City Department of Transportation wants your feedback! We are surveying New Yorkers to get feedback on how you move around New York City. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and share where you go, how you travel and what you would do to make the system even better.  You can find out more information about the plan at  

This survey will first ask you about places you go - home, work and other places you visit regularly. You can choose to provide us an address or cross streets closest to the location to help us understand how you move around the city. We will then ask you about places that are difficult to access on public transportation. You can provide an address, cross streets or a nearby landmark. For each of these locations, there will be a couple of follow up questions. Following the questions about places you go or find difficult to get to, we will have some general questions about your preferences and thoughts on public transportation.

Thank you for taking the time to take our survey!
Places You Go Regularly

Where do you usually travel?
Help us understand how you use the transit system in New York City.  The next set of questions will ask about where you live, work and places you go regularly (a doctor, a friend's house, the grocery store, a favorite park etc.).  You can give us the address or cross streets to tell us where each place is.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live? Please enter your address OR cross streets closest to your home.

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* 2. Where do you work or go to school?  Please let us know places you go regularly to work or go to school. If there is more than one location where you work or go to school, please answer "yes" to question 3.

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* 3. How often do you travel to this location? 

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* 4. What mode or combination of modes do you usually use to make your commute?

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* 5. Do you have more than one work or school location? 

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* 6. What is your second work or school location?

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* 7. How often do you travel to this location? 

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* 8. What mode or combination of modes do you usually use to make your commute?

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25% of survey complete.