
Dear Fellow Believer: 

Between General Conference sessions, the World Church undertakes a survey once every five years to help leadership understand what members believe and practice. Questions include religious and spiritual attitudes and behaviors, family life, community involvement, and the Adventist health message among other items. 

This survey will help us understand what our members believe and do, and is very valuable in strategic planning for our evangelistic, discipling, and nurturing efforts at the local church, conference, union, division and global levels. The data from this survey will be very helpful as we assess the needs of Church membership and how your Church can best meet those needs. 

Following is the questionnaire for the 2017 survey. While many will finish the survey in about 30 minutes, it could take as long as an hour to finish. Your assistance is deeply appreciated as you take the time to complete the questionnaire. The survey is totally voluntary and anonymous. Please do not put your name on the form. 

Data analysis will focus on overall responses, not individuals. Analysis will be done in each Division with researchers at Andrews University responsible for providing overall analysis of the data. 

Thank you for helping us! 

May God bless your witness and outreach for Him in Total Member Involvement as we approach Christ’s soon coming. 

With kind Christian regards, 
Ted N C Wilson 