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Dear One,

In a world with so much coming at you, I don't want to be another source of overwhelm, adding to the confusion and clutter.

I desire to share with you the wisdom, tools, practices, that we need as women to not just survive, but thrive. 

I'm committed to creating the transformational paths, experiences, trainings, & communities, that can support you to create the impact you desire AND that offer a path to creating the career/work/business, life design, relationships, and reality that you desire in YOUR heart

I am a big believer that we need to do things differently. In ways that work for us as women. 

I am sending you this survey because I want to know what you are facing in your life right now... what you would love and find valuable for me to share with you... and how to best communicate with you and stay connected.

This summer I am taking a pause to re-attune and re-vamp all the ways in which I am communicating and connecting. Your feedback will be essential input for me. I will read every comment.

And in August, I'll share the results. 

THANK YOU for helping me help you make a difference in your life, and in the lives of all you touch.  

Question Title

* 1. How did we come to be connected? (click all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. What is stretching or stressing you in your life right now?

I believe we are all over loaded with so much information coming at us from all directions, that the information itself is overwhelming us. What we need is access to deeper wisdom, access to practices that strengthen us from the inside out, ways of working and living that keep us in the flow and out of the swirl, and new ways of being in relationship.

What follows are potential areas I am considering sharing, teaching and going deeper on with you. Let me know which are of interest to you.

Question Title

* 3. TOPICS: What would you love to receive guidance, wisdom and practices for? Rank each one based on value and relevance to you.

  Not of Interest or relevance Some interest and relevance Very interested and relevant 
Sacred Work & Purpose - doing work I love, that supports me and uses my gifts
Career Transition – changing from what I am doing to something I want to do
Romantic Relationships – creating a thriving partnership / elevating the people I attract  
Focus & Productivity the Feminine Way – growing my work/career/influence and being sustained/supported
Financial Flow and Wealth – creating real wealth & financial stability without having to sacrifice myself or my soul for work
Overwhelm & Burnout – creating a new way to work, live & give so I stop draining myself and feeling overstretched
Presence & Self Expression - embodying my full power, and authentic presence and voice
Feminine Leadership – learning to use my full spectrum of feminine powers to lead and succeed differently
Sisterhood – creating stronger connections with women or calling other women together
Transforming negative self- talk, self-doubt and self sacrificing patterns  

Question Title

* 4. I am considering different ways I can share with you the Wisdom + Practices we need in these intense times to thrive, be wise and stay healthy. What you love to strengthen, your...

  Not interested or relevant Somewhat interested and relevant Very Interested and relevant 
Self Love
Physical Vitality
Releasing Stress 
Energetic Protection & Clearing 
Self Confidence
Emotional Balancing - Inner Calm & Centeredness 
Self Compassion
Self Trust 
Self Empowerment & Courage 

Question Title

* 5. I am considering offering trainings, retreats, programs and mentorship that focus on these areas. Which would be of interest or relevance in the next year for you?

  Not relevant or valuable to me Somewhat relevant or valuable to me Very relevant or valuable to me
 Strengthen Your Intuitive Power - online class 
Align Your Work & Design Your Life with your Heart Desires & Soul Path - online class 
Grace Under Pressure:  Daily, Weekly, Monthly Practices for Thriving In Intense & Changing Times - receive through video, audio and written
Transform Your Inner Critic, Strengthen Your Self Compassion - online class 
Fierce Grace: Integrating Feminine & Masculine Power to Embody Your Full Presence - one day in person workshops 
Strong Women Creating Strong and Supportive Partnerships - transformational 3-month program
Feminine Leadership Immersion and Incubator - 10-month leadership training and sacred work amplifier 
Path of Self Love Training - Teaching others self-love & deepening your own self love - 9 month transformational experience
Quarterly Power Pauses – virtual rituals to pause, reflect, realign
3-Day In Person Retreats at the Solstices and Equinoxes
Yearly Spiritual Pilgrimages to Sacred Places
Yearly Dream Partnership Retreat for Couples who Desire to Thrive Together 
January Visioning & Intention Setting Process - 4-weeks, do from home  
Yearly Vision Quest Retreat - for women to gain clarity on their sacred work and what's next 
Personal Mentorship with You  

Question Title

* 6. What do you need?  (Check all that apply)

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* 7. I am considering how I can best create programs that are delivered online in a. way that supports you. Tell me what format works best for you (Check all that apply)

We are all getting so much email the last thing I want to be another thing for you to do. I desire to stay connected, and be a source of wisdom, and a breath to step out of the swirl to connect with yourself. I'd love to know how we are connecting now, and how you would prefer to receive communications, inspiration and invitations from me.

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* 8. How do you connect with me now? (check all that apply)

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* 9. With email, how do you desire I communicate with you? (check all that apply) Send you:

Question Title

* 10. What other ways do you desire to be connected, and receive wisdom, practices, tools, and inspiration? I would LOVE your help focusing on what really makes a difference for you.

  No impact or support to me  Some impact and support to me Lots of impact and support to me 
Linked In 
You Tube 
Feminine Power Time Podcast
Blogs and articles I can read

Question Title

* 11. FEMININE POWER TIME PODCAST - Do you listen to the Feminine Power Time Podcast?

** If you answered YES, you do listen to the Feminine Power Time Podcast, answer the 4 questions below about what you'd love me to focus on, if not skip to question #16

Question Title

* 12. How and how often do you tune in?

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* 13. I am considering ways that I can make the podcast even better. Which of these would be meaningful to you?

Question Title

* 14. What would you love for me to talk about? What would you love for me to keep doing? Stop doing?

Question Title

* 15. Do you know of any other podcasts you love that I would be a good guest for?

I am turning my focus in the coming months and years to speaking and teaching where the women are gathering, working, and exploring in person (as well as webinars) because there is just something so powerful that happens when I am personally in the presence of women gathered with intention. Transformation and connection happens. 

I am currently writing a trilogy of books on feminine leadership and women's empowerment ... focused on liberating us out of overwhelm, working the way women work best naturally, achieving true success on our terms, and standing as leaders and voices of embodied feminine wisdom and power to make systemic change happen. And be supported and sustained as we do so. 

Here is where I could use your support. I am practicing what I teach, which is asking for support, which feels vulnerable for me, and I know connection and sisterhood is essential for us all.a

My ask is:

Help me connect to where the women are?  

I am open to speaking and teaching for women's groups, leadership programs, conferences and organizations on topics such as transforming burnout & overwhelm... how women work and lead best... strengthening resilience, courage, and confidence... embodying your authentic presence.... self-trust and intuition...strong women in powerful & supportive partnerships... self care for wellness providers/teachers/therapists/coaches... self sustainability for entreprenuers... women's leadership and empowerment. 

I am also called to work the young women in college, university, and advanced levels of education. As the future leaders of our world, I'm passionate about sharing with them how to access their intuitive wisdom, cultivate self trust and self compassion, lead from their hearts, be embodied in their unique presence and make life choices and relationship choices that honor them and keep them true to themselves. 

Do you have ideas or connections to:

Question Title

* 16. Organizations, companies, women's leadership groups, women's communities, MBA or higher education programs, that I can connect with to speak – live or virtually? If yes, list the name, location and how to best make the connection.


Question Title

* 17. What is the current way you express professionally?

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* 18. Where in the world do you live?

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* 19. In romantic relationship are you...

Question Title

* 20. If you could ask me one question what would it be?

As a THANK YOU for creating the space to share with me, I would like to share the results of the survey with you. And also share how I will be incorporating them.

I also am in the process of creating the first a GRACE UNDER PRESSURE, Practices for Cultivating Resilience, Radiance and Rejuvination - it's a video teaching on how to create a morning flow and practice that supports you to stay connected, calm and clear. I would love to share it with you as a THANK YOU when it's done.

Just include your name and your email below.

Thank you xxoxo

Question Title

* 21. First Name

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* 22. Last name

Question Title

* 23. Email

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