Bringing a $5 Arts Ticketing Program to Chicago Teens

Urban Gateways, a Chicago-based arts education organization, is beginning a new initiative for Chicago-area teens that will create access to performing arts events across the city. This will help arts organizations connect with younger audiences while simultaneously making high-quality arts experiences more accessible for youth ages 13-19.

Registered teens will have access to available day-of tickets to performances across the city and surrounding area for only $5. Youth are empowered as new arts consumers, while arts partners cultivate a new and important audience segment, filling houses with future audience members and arts advocates. This mutually beneficial program for both arts partners and teens has the vast potential to play a critical role in the future sustainability of Chicago’s arts & culture sector.

To help inform the creation of this program, we are welcoming feedback from adults for whom this may have the most effect. Whether you work at a partner arts or community organization, or you have a personal relationship with a teenager as a parent, family member, teacher, or otherwise, your insight will be invaluable to us as we begin to build the framework for what we hope is a staple in the Chicago community.

As an added bonus, if you submit your survey by May 1, 2017, you will be automatically entered into a raffle for FREE TICKETS to a Chicago performance.

We sincerely appreciate your time!
6% of survey complete.