This survey is being conducted by the Cherokee County Creating A Safer Tomorrow (CAST) Coalition. The results of the survey will help this group to learn more about parent beliefs and perceptions regarding underage drinking and substance use. Your honest feedback will help us to design and provide substance abuse prevention programs for our youth.
This short (10-15 minute) survey was specially designed for parents of Cherokee County students in grades 6 through 12. When completing these questions, you should answer based on your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors about your child(ren) who are currently in grades 6 - 12.

The survey will ask about your attitudes and behaviors related to youth substance use. Although these issues could be considered somewhat sensitive, we believe it is extremely unlikely that a respondent will experience any negative effects due to participation in the survey.

The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. You may choose not to participate or you may skip any question you are not comfortable answering or are unsure how to answer.
Your responses cannot be traced to you. No one will know how you answered the items in this survey.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact David Toney at (864) 487-2721 or email