Chatham Hazard Plan

The Town of Chatham, along with the Cape Cod Commission and other partners, are working to update the Chatham Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Plan identifies and assesses our community’s natural hazard risks and determines how to best minimize and manage those risks.

Please take this survey – it is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and participate in the hazard planning process. The information you provide will help us better understand your hazard concerns and can lead to mitigation activities that could lessen the impacts of future hazard events. The survey is only 9 questions and it will take just a few minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by October 21, 2016. Thank you so much for participating!

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact John Cauble at or Cally Harper at

To begin, click the “NEXT” button at the bottom of the screen. Questions labeled with an * are required.