Charter Parent Education: Topic Survey

Dear Parents,

The Charter staff would love to offer our parents education nights to help with your students education and your support in their learning process.  We expect these evenings to be 90 minutes long, ending with a brief Q & A time.  However, we do not want to plan without first getting your input. So that we can plan the best topics, times and locations, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this brief, 6 question survey.

Thank you,

~Rhonda and the Charter staff

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* 1. Please mark the topics that you would be interested on coming to learn more about from guest speakers

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* 2. How likely would you come to parent education nights, if the topics interested you?

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* 3. Which evening would work best for you

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* 4. What time would work best for you?

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* 5. What location would work best for you?

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* 6. Do you have suggestions on what you would like these education nights to be ideal for you?