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Education Survey

Recently the Chamber convened an "Education Committee" and this group is working to best define how it might serve Chamber members. Thank you for taking a moment to answer our questions.

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* 1. Please rate your responses to the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
It would be helpful to me if the Chamber plays a role in connecting my employees with training and educational opportunities.
I am aware of the availability of the Department of Labor's Incumbent Worker Training Funds for my business.
I am aware of the roles Maine Adult Education, the Community College System, and the University System play in workforce development.
I am interested in learning about Hiring Immigrants and Visa Requirements.
I am interested in learning about Hiring Workers from the Justice System.
I am interested in learning about Hosting Interns.
I am interested in learning about Receiving Tax Credits for Hiring Special Populations, like Veterans.
I would attend forums to learn about the opportunities noted above.
I prefer to attend informational meetings after business hours.

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* 2. Is there a specific training or education need that your business has right now?

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* 3. Do you have specific ways that a Chamber "Education Committee" might serve your business? Thanks for the suggestions.

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* 4. If you'd like more information or to be contacted by the Chamber for follow up, please provide your contact information.

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