Staff Survey

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete our survey. Your participation will help us as we examine current practices and plan for the upcoming school year. 

SA- Strongly Agree
SD- Strongly Disagree
A- Agree
NA- Not Applicable
D- Disagree

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* 1. Please indicate which school you currently work:

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* 2. Please indicate your classification:

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* 3. My school has effective procedures for addressing for safety.

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* 4. I have input into how federal dollars are spent in my school. 

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* 5. The 1% of my school's federal program allocation for parent involvement is being used effectively for parent involvement activities/resources.

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* 6. I am familiar with our Title I School Wide Plan. 

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* 7. The district's curriculum is rigorous in preparing students for college and beyond. 

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* 8. The programs of this school meet the requirement of students with special needs. 

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* 9. For the most part, I am satisfied with our school. 

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* 10. I frequently use the results of assessments of student learning to modify and adjust my teaching strategies to best meet the learning needs of my students.

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* 11. I am comfortable analyzing student data. 

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* 12. I use state content standards, objectives, item bank questions and other materials to develop assessments and to assess student learning. 

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* 13. For the most part, the size of classes here does not limit instructional effectiveness.

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* 14. Our students like coming to school. 

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* 15. I know what the administration expects of me. 

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* 16. Teachers and administrators in our school consistently enforce school rules.

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* 17. Our school (district) provides students and teachers with a safe and orderly environment for learning. 

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* 18. This school provides a clean, well-maintained, and pleasant environment for learning. 

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* 19. Teachers are concerned about each student as an individual.

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* 20. The school's grading policies and practices are administered fairly. 

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* 21. Students and teachers' successes are celebrated at my school.

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* 22. The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program at my school is effective. 

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* 23. The students see a relationship between what is being taught and his/her everyday life. 

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* 24. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and learning activities.  

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* 25. Having  Pre-K and kindergarten classes in my district will improve student achievement. 

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* 26. Technology is used to enhance student progress and to improve student achievement. 

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* 27. There is a good rapport between the teachers and students. 

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* 28. My school provides adequate help for students that are struggling academically. 

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* 29. My administrator fosters a school culture that is focused on instructional improvement. 

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* 30. Parents and other stakeholders feel welcome at the school. 

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* 31. The school rules are fair and reasonable. 

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* 32. I understand the RTI Three Tier Process and its purpose. 

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* 33. Technology is sufficiently available to support instruction.

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* 34. Teachers are regularly involved in the development of school policies and procedures.

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* 35. I can meet and plan with teachers at my school.

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* 36. When observed by the principal or any designee, I am provided feedback or an opportunity for dialogue.

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* 37. Teachers have adequate time for opportunities to learn from each other in professional learning communities.

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* 38. The professional development I received this past summer and this school year provided me with strategies that were incorporated into my instructional delivery.

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* 39. Funds are available to allow teachers to take advantage of professional development activities.

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* 40. Our school is doing a good job in the following areas: (Mark all that apply)

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* 41. The support provided by the district and the schools for the first year teachers and new employees have been beneficial.

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* 42. This year has been a good teaching experience for me as a first-year teacher or new employee to the district.

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* 43. The administrator shares the results from the Title I Comprehensive Needs Assessment.

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* 44. The Family Resource Center is a great asset to our district.

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* 45. My school provides opportunities for our parents to be involved in their child's educational growth.

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* 46. There are multiple opportunities for students to achieve academically (e.g. extra time in class, after-school tutoring, before school tutoring, etc.)

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* 47. The after-school program, summer/extended year program and/or the intersessions have provided opportunities for continuous learning.

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* 48. Do you feel your students have made adequate academic progress this school year?

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* 49. I would like to have more professional development in:

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* 50. The most common behavior problem in my classroom is:

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* 51. This year, I have been observed by the school administration:

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* 52. WPCSD receives Title II and Title IV funds to support academic efforts. Due to the decrease in Title I funds each year, the WPCSD elected to transfer a portion of their Title II and Title IV funds to compensate for the loss and to provide additional support at the lower elementary levels. Do you agree with these transfers?

Question Title

* 53. Federal Funds (Title I, II, IV, and V) have been used at each of the schools to support the academic growth of the students, professional growth of the teachers and administrators in the following ways: Personnel, Instructional Supplies/Materials, PreK Program, Equipment, Professional Services, Travel, Parent and Family Engagement. Do you agree with the use of funds?

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* 54. ESSER dollars were allocated to prepare for, prevent, respond to the effects of COVID-19 and address learning loss. Funds were utilized in the following way: Technology, After School Program, Summer School, Professional Development, Internet Connectivity Services, Software, School Nurses, Interventionists/Supplement Teachers, Supplies, HVAC Units, Restroom Additions, Building Upgrades and Computer Technicians. Do you agree with the use of funds?

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* 55. HIGH SCHOOL ONLY – West Point High School has been designated for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) for the students with Disabilities subgroup and the Black subgroup based on the state accountability designation. This needs assessment survey provides the district with stakeholders’ input to aid in determining the use of 1003a federal funds.

Do you think using school improvement funds to provide ongoing, job-embedded professional development for teachers is beneficial to support students in the designated subgroups?

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* 56. Do you think using school improvement funds to provide interventions, strategies or practices that are intended to support the use of deep and continuous professional learning to improve or support instructional practices is beneficial to support students in the designated subgroups?

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* 57. Do you have additional comments or ideas to provide support for using school improvement funds for the designated subgroups?

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* 58. Please comment about what your school or district does well. (Optional)

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* 59. Please comment about improvements your school or district should make. (Optional) 

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* 60. Please comment about changes you feel would bring positive change to your school at the administrative level. (Basically, what would you like to see being done differently or in addition to what is being done at the administrative level.)