Thank you for completing this short survey on your experience!

Dear Customer,

I would like to personally thank you for allowing Central EMS the opportunity to provide for your medical and transportation needs. Central EMS has a continuous goal to improve our quality of service. Your comments and suggestions are important for us to achieve this goal.

So that we may provide you and your community better service in the future, please take a few minutes to complete this survey and return it with your payment or insurance information. If you would prefer to discuss our service in person, please list your name and phone number in the form below. Again, thank you!

Question Title

* 1. I would rate Central EMS' overall service as?

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* 2. The field crew was professional, courteous, and neat in appearance?

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* 3. The field crew introduced themselves and the company?

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* 4. The field crew was attentive to my personal needs?

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* 5. The ambulance or wheelchair unit was clean and in good order?

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* 6. The ambulance or wheelchair environment was comfortable?

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* 7. The Communications staff (Dispatcher), was professional, courteous, and helpful?

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* 8. The Billing Department staff was professional, courteous, and helpful?

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* 9. I would use Central EMS for my medical or transport needs in the future?

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* 10. The overall service provided met your expectations?

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* 11. Please provide any additional comments or feedback on your experience with Central EMS.

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* 12. Please provide your name.

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* 13. Please provide your run number (on your invoice if available).

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* 14. What city did your service originate in?

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* 15. Would you like to be contacted about your comments on this form?

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* 16. If you would like to be contacted, please provide a phone number, email or other preferred method of contact.