
Calling all Care Givers, we would like your help. We are currently looking at how training and support can be better provided to people who take on a caring role.

We are aware that it can sometimes be difficult to access the information & training to support or equip you in your caring role when you are looking after someone else or providing a caring role in a professional capacity.  

We would really like your input in to how training and information can be provided to support you in the best way.

We would appreciate it if you could take 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your answers will remain anonymous unless you choose to leave your details to be contacted for support in your caring role.
Please answer the following information about you.

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* 1. Please tick which best describes your caring role:

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* 2. Please tick which postcode area you reside in:

The following questions are about the training you as a care giver have already undertaken.

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* 3. Have you accessed training for your care giver role at any time - please tick the applicable answer.

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* 4. If you answered 'Yes' to the above question, how did you access the training? (please tick all applicable)

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* 5. What training have you completed to date? Please tick all that you would like? (please tick all that you would like)

The following questions are about the training as a care giver would you like to access in the future.

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* 6. How would you like access training? (please tick all applicable)

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* 7. As a Care Giver what would be a barrier to accessing information and training? (please tick all that apply)

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* 8. What training provision would you like to access to? please tick all that you would like? (please tick all that you would like)

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* 9. If you ticked 'Caring/management of a specific  health condition/illness' in the previous question, please specify which health condition/illness you would like training around.

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* 10. Would you like to access support for your caring role?

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* 11. If you would like contact from the carer's service please leave your details below:

I consent to be contacted by the carers service 

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* 12. Signed