Cadaver Lab Registration

The Cadaver Lab is scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2024. There will be 2 sessions. Please choose the session you wish to attend. Registration is on a first come basis. It will be held at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Lubbock, Texas.

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* 1. TTUHSC has strict rules for attending the cadaver lab. Please read the following rules prior to registering.

WHAT TO WEAR: Each attendee will be required to wear LONG PANTS and CLOSED TOE shoes or boots. If they do not have the proper attire, they are not able to attend per TTUHSC. All PPE will be provided for this event. If you know of a family or friend that has passed away in the past 2 months and donated their body to the TTU Willed Body program, please notify Chad Curry. You can contact him at UMC EMS or call the SPEMS office for contact information.

Parking instructions and a MAP of the facility will be sent out before the training.

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* 2. Registration

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* 3. Please choose which session you want to attend. Space is limited, so register early.