SMS Business Holiday Survey 2023

1.Business name(Required.)
2.Contact person name(Required.)
3.Contact person email(Required.)
4.Are you doing anything special on Small Business Saturday (Nov. 25) that you would like us to promote? If so, please include the details below.
Bonus points! Complete our Pup Squad Business Survey (HERE) so we know how our brand-new Pup Squad canine ambassadors should interact with your business that day and in the future!
5.Are you interested in participating in our Holiday Window Contest? Windows must be decorated by Friday, Dec. 8. There are no specific guidelines or requirements – just use your creativity and showcase your business.
6.Are you interested in participating in our Holiday Stroll on Sunday, Dec. 17? Please give a brief description of any specials or promotions you are planning to offer that day - does NOT need to be a discount or any kind of freebie, might be something you're already doing every weekend in December, etc. Whatever it is you especially want us to promote that day!
7.If you are participating in the Holiday Stroll (Dec. 17), what type of business are you?
8.From the Holiday Tree, to the wreaths and ribbons around town, our Holiday Happenings efforts are not possible without the support generous local sponsors. Would you be willing to help us reach our goals? Let us know if you are interested in sponsoring and we can fill you in on the details.