Clark County Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach is collecting community feedback to inform and improve garbage and recycling programs and services in Clark County. Thank you for participating in our survey! 

Question Title

* 1. How do you currently dispose of your garbage? Select all that apply.
(Garbage includes things like soiled paper, dirty containers, plastic wrap, pet waste, and other non-recyclable wastes.)

Question Title

* 2. How do you currently dispose of your recycling? Select all that apply.
(Recycling includes things like clean plastic bottles, metal cans, cardboard, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. How do you currently dispose of food waste? Select all that apply.
(Food waste includes edible food, spoiled food, old food, inedible food like banana peels, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. How do you currently dispose of yard waste? Select all that apply.
(Yard waste includes grass trimmings, tree trimmings, leaves, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. How do you currently dispose of household hazardous waste? Select all that apply.
(Household hazardous waste includes items like batteries, bleach, disinfectants, toilet cleaner, paint, stain, fuel, light bulbs, motor oil, etc.)

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33% of survey complete.