Conference Evaluation

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how would you rate the APA Scientific Conference?

  Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Strongly Agree
Useful CME which translates into my practice
Adequate number of topics of interest
Opportunities for interaction and networking
Presentations were relevant to my professional interest
New perspectives and information will impact my practice
Presentations were relevant to my to my personal development

Question Title

* 2. Were the conference learning objectives met?

  Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Strongly Agree
To examine, consider and appraise current diagnostic and clinical guidelines and practices to enhance patient care;
To explore, consider and interpret the meaning of change from biological, psychological, and social perspectives for our patients and in our professional relationships with them; and
To reflect upon and discuss integrating change in our personal and professional lives as well as in the systems within which we work.

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* 3. Please let us know if you perceived any commercial or other inappropriate bias.

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* 4. Please rate the relevancy of this conference.

  Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Strongly Agree
My learning objectives were met
The conference challenged my thinking
I gained new knowledge relevant to my practice
I gained new skills
Overall the presentations, were of good quality
Overall the presentations permitted and encouraged audience participation

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* 5. Please provide us with recommendations for future speakers and/or topic areas that would be relevant to your practice.

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* 6. Please identify and/or reflect on what you have learned and its impact on your practice.

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* 7. What do you feel the APA did well at the 2024 Conference?

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* 8. What do you feel the APA should improve upon, or focus less on at upcoming conferences?

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* 9. Virtual Speakers are an affordable and practical way for the Conference to include topics and perspectives from a variety of presenters, particularly those outside of Canada. How can we enhance your experience of virtual presentations?

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* 10. How do you feel the APA can add value to their members at future conferences?