October 23

You will be asked to complete a brief quiz and survey after each class. Please respond to the best of your ability to the questions below.
Week 6 Quiz

Question Title

* 1. The primary vulnerability leading to young people being trafficked in lack of awareness and education?

Question Title

* 2. The majority of victims of human trafficking are identified as offenders or delinquents when they have their first contact with the "system"?

Question Title

* 3. It is difficult for victims of human trafficking to trust others, including victim service specialists, because they have been lied to and manipulated to believe everyone is going to hurt them?

Week 6 Survey

Question Title

* 4. The "Communication Skills" presentation increased my knowledge of the physical and cognitive responses to crisis and intervention techniques to effectively address victim immediate crises.

Question Title

* 5. The "Human Trafficking" presentation increased my knowledge of human trafficking awareness and advocacy.

Question Title

* 6. Thank you for participating in the Fall 2019 NVAA!  Please provide any additional feedback here on today's class and your overall experience with the academy thus far.