Progressive Maryland is a grassroots community organization that acts for social and economic justice by developing civic leaders and cultivating allies in order to advance economic, racial, and environmental equity, and to change our economic system for the benefit of all people in Maryland. Learn more at

Progressive Maryland supports candidates who will work to build a society and economy that works for all Marylanders, with special emphasis on traditionally marginalized groups – low and moderate income residents, people of color, women, LGBTQ+, and all oppressed and exploited people. Elections can have an enormous impact on our work to reduce inequity and to improve the lives of residents all over the state. It is our responsibility not only to advocate for residents but also to empower them to engage in the political process at every level, from member-led canvasses to trainings for our members who wish to run for office. 

To be considered for Progressive Maryland’s endorsement, please complete the survey below no later than Monday, October 4, 2021. Your responses will be available to the public at

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Candidate Information

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Campaign Contact Information

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Treasurer Contact Information

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1. If elected will funding public financing for County Executive and County Council races be a priority for you ?

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2. In general, do you support or oppose charter schools?

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3. Do you support or oppose school vouchers that would allow public school students, K-12, to attend a private school instead of their local public school? Please explain your support or opposition.

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4. What would you do to enhance economic stability and wealth for working-class residents?

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5. Will you work to create a higher density of union jobs? If so, how would you accomplish this?

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6. How would you go further in protecting residents from police violence? What kind of alternatives would you implement and how?

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7. Which progressive groups or organizations are you a part of, have worked with, or supported?

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8. How will you ensure that future housing and transportation projects ensure that low-income neighborhoods will not be forced to bear the burden of making way for new development?

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9. If workers in your District needed your help in their fight to join a union, which of the following would you be willing to take to help their cause? (Check all that apply.)

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10. Will you attend a Progressive Maryland member meeting and share your vision and priorities?

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11. Collective bargaining agreements are a result of months of intense negotiations and give and take between the parties. Once an agreement has been reached between a union and the County, do you commit to fully funding those contracts?

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12. As a councilmember, what steps are you prepared to take to evaluate whether public services that have been contracted out/ privatized should continue to be delivered in that manner brought back into the county to be delivered by county employees?

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13. Immigrants play an important role in the economy of local governments and Maryland, working hard and paying taxes. Do you support avenues towards citizenship for undocumented workers and oppose efforts to make local governments and Maryland responsible for enforcing federal immigration laws?

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14. Affordable housing is becoming more scarce. Do you favor requiring developers to set aside units for affordable housing when building new housing or converting buildings to condominiums? How would you hold developers accountable for what they actually build, regardless of what they are required to build or what they promise to build?

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15. Overcrowding in public schools in Montgomery County continues to be an issue. What are your plans to address that issue, especially considering increasing budgetary shortfalls?

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16. What is your plan to close the opportunity gap in Montgomery County schools?

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17. Are you using Montgomery County’s public financing option? Have you qualified? If not, how close are you and when do you expect to qualify? If you are not using the public option, why not and what are your funding sources?

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18. What would you do to create more affordable housing options for Montgomery County residents?

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19. Will you support making community college free for all county residents?

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20. What will you do to relieve road congestion and improve transit options?

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21. How will you help Montgomery County become cleaner and increasingly carbon-free?

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22. The State of Maryland in 2021 reduced its prevailing wage threshold to $250,000. In addition, Baltimore County in 2020 enacted a prevailing wage law, with Republican support, that is stronger and more progressive than Montgomery County’s. The Baltimore County law includes a lower threshold, covers P3s and development projects receiving PILOTs and TIFs, covers repair and maintenance, and includes private right of action. Will you support and vote in favor of prevailing wage legislation to (check yes if you will support, leave blank if you will not support):

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23. Despite its reputation as a progressive place to live, Montgomery County has not adopted the use of project labor agreements which ensure that a) construction workers on public works projects receive family-supporting wages with health insurance and retirement benefits, b) are classified appropriately based on the work they are performing, c) have a mechanism to resolve disputes with management. In contrast, next door in DC, the government requires them on large construction projects. Will you support and vote in favor of legislation patterned off the District of Columbia that requires PLAs on construction projects that meet a particular threshold? And if yes, what threshold do you think is appropriate for Montgomery County?

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24. Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for healthcare through the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid. Do support expanding healthcare coverage so that ALL Marylanders, regardless of their status, are included?

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25. What would you do to support federal immigration reform and relief, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, rights for immigrant workers, family reunification and permanent relief for those with TPS or DACA?

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26. Do you support limiting police cooperation and partnership with ICE and local/state government? Including ending 287(g) programs that deputize police as federal agents?

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27. Do you agree that police officers accused of violence and misconduct must appear before empowered civilian review boards to decide on their removals from the force? Do you support outlawing coercive surveillance practices (facial recognition technology and gang lists) that violate the privacy of people of color in particular?