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* 1. How many people did you serve in day array (ADS, Voc Hab, NMT) services prior to the pandemic?

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* 2. How many people are you currently serving in center-based (Restart Code) day array services?

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* 3. How many people are you currently serving in STEP services (In-home, Virtual or small-group community)?'

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* 4. How many direct support staff did you employ in day array services prior to the pandemic?

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* 5. How many direct support staff do you currently employ to provide day array services?

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* 6. Do you currently have a waiting list, or individuals looking to return that you are unable to serve?

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* 7. What do you believe is the primary reason limiting your ability to expand or further reopen services?

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* 8. How many more people could you serve in center-based day array services if cohort size limitations were removed, but distancing orders remained in place?

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* 9. How many more people could you serve in center-based day array services if social distancing order was removed, but cohort size limitations remained in place?

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* 10. How many more people could you serve in center-based day array services if both distancing and cohort size limitations were removed?