Question Title

* 1. Date of questionnaire:

Question Title

* 2. How long were you part of the program:

Question Title

* 3. Age

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* 4. Gender:

Question Title

* 5. Language preferred:

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate which program(s) you participated in. Check all that apply.

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* 7. Were you offered anything to eat or drink, or the option of using shower or laundry facilities while at NRAC?

Question Title

* 8. I was made aware of all the programs available to me.

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* 9. I received enough information about the programs and services available to me.

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* 10. I am better able to manage difficulties than before services.

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* 11. The service I received allowed me to meet my goals.

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* 12. The worker(s) was/were able to effectively communicate with me in the official language of my choice.

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* 13. My culture was respected and taken into consideration by the worker(s).

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* 14. I found the worker(s) knowledgeable and competent

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* 15. If I had a concern, I would know how to make a complaint to this organization

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* 16. I was assured that my personal information was kept safe and secure.

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* 17. Overall, I found the environment welcoming, non-discriminating and comfortable

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* 18. Please comment on aspects of your experience with this program that were particularly helpful to you.

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* 19. Please comment on aspects of your experience with this program that you feel could be improved or changed.

Question Title

* 20. Additional Comments: