Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools Application 2022
Building Trauma-Informed, Equitable Systems
Snohomish County Human Services, Behavioral Health & Veterans Division, is offering an opportunity to Snohomish County public schools to participate in a program to build the framework of a trauma-informed District. These robust consultation services are in partnership with Continua Consulting Group LLC.
The goals of implementing trauma-informed practices (TIP)/T-MTSS in whole districts as well as individual schools are:
- Increased system knowledge and capacity for implementing MTSS
- Increased knowledge of trauma-informed and evidence-based practices for leadership
- Increased system use of data and implementation science practice
- Increased teacher and leader capacity to select, implement, and measure trauma-informed interventions based on student and staff needs
- Increased leader and teacher use of social-emotional learning (SEL) perceptual data (i.e. Panorama) to inform school SEL, equity, and culturally responsive interventions
- Increased student sense of belonging & self competency
- Increased teaching time
- Increased staff wellness & retention
- Focus on student & adult social-emotional learning
- Focus on culturally responsive and equitable practices
- Increased teacher collaboration practices for student-centered instruction (collective efficacy)
- Decreased exclusionary discipline & decreased absenteeism
- Increased knowledge and structures to manage behaviors
- Meet state, District, and individual school goals
- Sustainable, systemic change
- And others
The first year of District-level work, also known as "Year Zero", is focused on a baseline, in-depth needs assessment of current T-MTSS practices, supported by Continua Consulting Group along with central office and building administration, and a multi-disciplinary steering committee. The District will receive consultation and professional development on T-MTSS leadership components and will work with Continua to develop an implementation plan to begin the second year of consultation (or "Year One").
Funding priorities for 2022 are as follows: 1) District-level work for whole District systems; 2) new individual schools from Lake Stevens, Marysville, and Monroe school districts; and 3) current schools seeking an additional year of support or schools within a District currently involved and applying for new District-level work.
Monetary and in-kind expectations are laid out in question #10 below.