What's it all about?
We are reviewing our Taxi Licensing Policy as it was last reviewed in 2019 and in response to guidance issued by the Department for Transport (DfT) called the ‘Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards’ (Statutory Standards).

All councils responsible for licensing of hackney carriage (taxis) and private hire vehicles have a legal duty to take the standards into consideration.

We are consulting on a revised policy which details how we licence taxis and private hire vehicles, operators and drivers.

Members of the public, the taxi trade and other parties such as representatives of disability groups, local partnerships and transport user groups will be invited to offer feedback on the revised policy. All feedback will be considered as part of the decision-making process.

Proposed changes included, a vehicle age, single colour for taxis, criminal record checks on vehicle proprietors and more frequent criminal records checks on licensed drivers.

We are also reviewing our policy on the types of vehicles that will be licensed to encourage the take-up of greener, less polluting vehicles.

How can you get involved?
To help us revise the policy, please answer the questions in this survey and give us your views and feedback.

Please let us know your views by the 14th July 2024.
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles – just in case you don’t know the difference.
A taxi has a roof light, it can be flagged down in the street and can rank at designated taxi ranks.

A private hire vehicle doesn’t have a roof light, it can’t be flagged down or work off a rank, it must be booked in advance through a licensed private hire operator.
Our survey asks for some personal information which you may choose not to give. We do not publish or share any information which can identify you. Please read our privacy notice to find out more about how we protect your personal information. We will ask for your consent to this at the start of the survey.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting licensing@york.gov.uk.

Question Title

* Do you confirm that you have read and understood the privacy notice? You must select ‘Yes’ in order to take the survey.

7% of survey complete.