Attention Current and Past Franchisees:

Never before have we had an opportunity like this. Both Congress and the Federal Trade Commission are taking a hard look at the franchise industry, working to improve the power imbalance that exists today between franchisees and their franchisor. Franchisees are the small businesspeople taking enormous risk, yet seem to be getting a smaller piece of the pie. It’s time for franchisees to stand up and be accounted for.

Please take a short time (1 minute) to fill out this survey/petition. The information will be used to push fair franchising legislation at both the state and federal level. It’s time our voices are heard, in mass.

Fill out one entry for each brand you have. There are many groups that are working together on this effort, and we will be combining the data. If you’ve already completed one from another group, you don’t need to do it again. If you haven’t, we thank you in advance for your participation.

Finally, forward this on to any of your groups, whether an email list, WhatsApp, or other forms of communication. We need at least 10,000 total franchisees to participate and show our representatives and regulators, it’s time for change, it’s time to act.

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently or formerly a franchisee?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate your experience with the franchisor?

Question Title

* 3. As a current or past franchisee, would you sign this petition as a show of support for the introduction of Federal Fair Franchising Legislation and will pledge to contact my elected representatives in Congress to express my support of such legislation?

The proposed legislation is expected to include the following points:
  • Obligate parties to act in good faith
  • Create additional disclosure requirements
  • Provide freedom of association protections
  • Provide termination protections
    • Allows for a cure period
    • Restricts quotas
    • Limits required pricing
    • Fair compensation if franchisor takes possession of any property
  • Provide hours of operations limitations
  • Limits of liquidated damages
  • Bans discrimination between franchisees
  • Provide transfer protections
  • Provide renewal rights
  • Protects First Amendment rights of franchisee
  • Bans pre-dispute arbitration clauses
  • Does not preempt state laws

Question Title

* 4. Required Information