Question Title

* 1. Company name

Question Title

* 2. Key contact person

Question Title

* 3. Contact phone number

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* 4. Mobile number

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* 5. Email address

Question Title

* 6. Is your business currently receiving Chinese visitors?

Market Activities

The following questions are designed to assist TTNQ in understanding your company's level of involvement in the Chinese market. 

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate which of the following booking sources apply to your business

Question Title

* 8. Do you receive bookings from any of the following Online Travel Agencies (please tick if yes)

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* 9. Do you participate in trade shows in China?

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* 10. Do you visit travel agents in China independently?

Question Title

* 11. Do you visit Chinese Inbound Tour Operators?

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* 12. Do you receive group bookings?

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* 13. Can you provide an indication of the number of Chinese visitors you receive annually?

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* 14. Would an introduction seminar on the China market be of interest to you?

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* 15. Are you interested in being more involved in the China market?

As part of the overall project strategy, TTNQ will be running an ongoing trade educationals program over the next 12 months. 

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* 16. Are you willing to assist in hosting an educational activity at your venue/product?

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* 17. Do you have Chinese speaking staff member on site who can assist with hosting?

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* 18. If TTNQ were to arrange a MEGA Famil to the region would you be willing to offer your own Chinese staff member to assist in hosting a group for 2-3 days?

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* 19. Does your venue have capacity restrictions (a maximum number for group size)?

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* 20. Are you able to provide a set famil rate (by season - low, shoulder, high); or offer for TTNQ to assist with planning of this ongoing famil program? Please provide details below.