A Resort Development Strategy (RDS) is a requirement of the provincial Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI).  The RDS must lead toward the desired outcomes of the RMI program including: to extend or diversify the community’s tourism season, increase visitation, improve the sustainability of their tourism sector, and enhance the visitor experience. A community’s RDS must identify the long-term vision for the community and what they plan to do to achieve the RMI outcomes. 

We are looking for your input to help us develop the RDS for Osoyoos for the term 2019/20 to 2021/22. This survey should take about 10 minutes. Thank you for your time and input.

Question Title

* 1. How do you generally feel about tourism development in Osoyoos?
(select one of the options below)

Question Title

* 2. What are the outcomes you'd like to see as a result of increased tourism? Please rank the outcomes in order of importance, with 1 being the most important, and 4 being the least.
(use the drop down arrows to make your selections)

Question Title

* 3. If you don't support tourism development in Osoyoos, please identify the reasons why.
If you support tourism, skip this question.
(select one or more of the below responses)

Question Title

* 4. Following is a list of assets and features in our community. Which ones do you think help best support a successful tourism industry and visitor experience in Osoyoos? Rank them in order of importance, with 1 being most important and 5 being least.
(use the drop down arrows to make your selections)

Question Title

* 5. From the list below, what things do you think might discourage or hinder a successful tourism industry and visitor experience in Osoyoos? Rank them with 1 the being the largest hindrance, and 5 the least.
(use the drop down arrows to make your selections)

Question Title

* 6. Osoyoos’ previous Resort Development Strategy (2015-2017) supported the following projects. Please indicate your level of agreement for continuing to support each project with future RMI funds.
(select one response for each project)

  Yes, let's continue to invest funding to improve this program. Yes, let's continue to support this program, but we should mostly support other initiatives. No, the program is pretty good and we should put the money elsewhere now.
Beach Cleaner machine
(which is used to clean Gyro and Cootonwood Park and motel row beaches)
Downtown Revitalization
(improved sidewalks, lighting, amenities, and engagement with retail operators)
Visitor Activity Enhancement
(“seed funding” for clubs and organizations to develop events that will attract tourists)
Waterfront Safety Improvements
(including capital purchases and installation of swim area safety buoys)
Wayfinding/Information Signage
(installation of directional, amenity information, environmental and cultural signage)
Trail Development
(upgrading current trails, developing new trails and completing trail connections)
Waterfront Enhancement
(including visitor activity centres, walkways, passive recreation areas, pier and support amenities)

Question Title

* 7. The RMI program supports tourism initiatives that:
(i) Develop and/or enhance tourism infrastructure and amenities
(ii) Deliver remarkable visitor experiences
(iii) Implement sustainable tourism projects and initiatives

Given these objectives, do you have ideas for other RMI tourism projects in Osoyoos? Please be as specific as possible (e.g. description, location, target audience).
(type your responses in the boxes below)

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any other comments about Osoyoos’ Resort Development Strategy?