Parental Communication Survey 

Are you a parent of a child with a disability?  Please take this very short survey and tell us the best way your child’s school can send you important information. 

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* 1. Are you a parent of a child with a disability that attends a public school?

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* 2. What city do you live in?

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* 3. What is your zip code?

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* 4. How do you usually receive information from your child's school? Check all that apply. 

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* 5. Do you receive additional information pertaining to programs and/or services offered by your child's school?

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* 6. When you receive information from your child's school, do you usually read it?

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* 7. Does your school communicate with you about your child in a way that is understandable and easy to access? 

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* 8. What mode of communication do you prefer your school to use when communicating either about your child or ways to help your child?

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* 9. Do you feel your school shares enough information about the education experience of your child with a disability? 

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* 10. Is there any further information you would like to share about getting important information about your child's education from their school?