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* 1. Location of New Student Orientation you are attending?

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* 2. Were you satisfied with the overall organization of today's Orientation?

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* 3. What was your overall impression of Orientation?

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* 4. Visiting the Resource Tables was

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* 5. Attending the NICC Blitz Session was

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* 6. After attending Orientation do you know more about what is offered to help you be successful at Northeast Iowa Community College?

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* 7. Did you have the opportunity at Orientation to complete what you needed to get done to begin the term?

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* 8. Do you have a basic understanding of what Brightspace is and how it will be used in the classroom?

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* 9. After attending Orientation, do you feel more confident in being prepared for the upcoming term?

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* 10. Are there any other college resources, activities, offices, support systems, etc. that you would have liked to learn more about at Orientation?