Sky Solar Energy LTD. hangar waiting list

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Hangar Management Survey:

We want to engage pilots, and owners to list preferred options when searching for a location to hangar their aircraft. We will gather information from aircraft owners and determine their preferences for aircraft storage and pricing options.
1.Name (Title, Lastname, Firstname)(Required.)
2.Contact Preference
3.Current Hangar Location (Airport Identifier)
4.Current Storage Arrangements (Check all that apply)
5.Preferred Location
6.Hangar Storage Preferences at new location
7.Automation Preference at new location
8.Do you prefer individual storage or shared storage options?
9.Pricing Preferences:
10.Additional Considerations: Are there any specific features or services that would make you more likely to choose one storage facility over another?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered