Mission: To reward and recognize high schools who have achieved outstanding industrial craft workforce development programs.
This application is to be completed by a high school that has received a nomination for GBRIA’s 2021 Craft Workforce Development Awards. A nominated high school will only need to submit ONE application; please include information
for ALL of your craft training courses.
Please also consider sending pictures, videos or other materials to showcase work done at your school to Jessica Pranjic at jessica@gbria.org.
Examples include photos of students and instructors working in workshops, pictures of your workshops/classrooms, pictures of completed student projects, etc. GBRIA will use these images as part of its presentation during the Craft Workforce
Development Awards Banquet on September 16, 2021.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the contact information for the company nominating a school. (If you know you are being nominated by more than one company, please list information for as many as you know of at this time. GBRIA should also receive nominations directly from companies):

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* 2. Please provide the basic contact information for your school 

Question Title

* 3. What is your school's student-body size?

Question Title

* 4. What NCCER classes and levels or other craft training courses are currently offered at your school? What are the enrollment numbers for each of these classes? Who are the instructors and how long have they been teaching this class? Please list classes by type, instructor names, and enrollment numbers. (Example: NCCER Carpentry- 13 students, John Smith- 3 years.)

Question Title

* 5. From the enrollment numbers in question 4, please list the number of successful completions by class in NCCER courses or other craft training classes resulting in an Industry Based Certification (IBC) (i.e. Welding Certification).

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* 6. Please list any craft-related field trips students from your school attended during the 2020-2021 school year. Please list by name and location. (Example: Build Your Future- ABC Pelican Chapter, Fab Shops, etc.)

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* 7. How many students were enrolled in ABC School or some other type of craft training classes for dual enrollment, Course Choice or other night time craft training? Please list by class type, number and location. (Example: NCCER Electrical- 20 students- Coarse Choice classes.)

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* 8. Is there an FFA/Agriscience program at your school?

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* 9. If you answered "yes" to question 8, how many levels are offered? Please list the disciplines taught within these classes. (Example: Agriscience 1- Horticulture, Carpentry, etc.)

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* 10. By number, how many students are enrolled in each level of Agriscience/FFA?

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* 11. Are there any classes such as First Aid/CPR, Industrial Safety classes or others that are being taught in your school or at other locations for your students? Please list class type, numbers and location.

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* 12. How many craft competitions did your school compete in last year? Please list location and type (Ex. Skills USA, FFA, ABC).

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* 13. Events to increase career awareness and preparedness are important for students wishing to learn more about careers in construction. How many career day activities or events are held annually at your school? Please list the event title, give a brief description, tell who is invited and any other pertinent details.

Question Title

* 14. Are students being recognized for their achievements in craft training or FFA/Agriscience? Please describe the recognition below.

Thank you for submitting the data above. For the interview portion of your application, please be prepared to discuss the following:
  • any projects or fundraising done to support or reinforce training in FFA, NCCER or Craft Training classes at your schools
  • any success stories from the past year
  • ways your school is getting students interested and enrolled in craft training or FFA/Agriscience classes
  • what giving students an opportunity to train in skilled crafts means to your schools, community and students
  • any additional activities or items related to craft training your school participates in that was not already covered in previous questions

Please bring any pictures, videos, or other "show-and-tell" items to the interview to document activities at your school. You can also email these materials to Jessica@gbria.org prior to the interview.