Please complete the following survey by the end date specified in your Activity. If you receive this survey for multiple CVS stores, you must complete a separate survey for each store. You must click "Done" at the end of the survey to submit your answers.

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* 1. Enter your name.

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* 2. Enter your territory number.

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* 3. Enter the chain number for the store you are completing this Activity for.

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* 4. Enter the store number for the store you are completing this Activity for.

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* 5. Was the new gift card fixture installed in our department? (See example image below of an inline gift card fixture, but this could also be on an endcap.)

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* 6. If the new gift card fixture was installed in our department, was it installed inline, on an endcap, or both?

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* 7. If the gift card fixture is set inline and on an endcap, are those two fixtures directly next to each other?

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* 8. If the gift card fixture was installed inline, what product was removed from our inline footage?

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* 9. If Everyday product was removed, enter the cabinet designation if you can easily locate it. (Should be listed on the store layout in the service drawer.)

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* 10. If Alternative cards were removed, what program was it? (Papyrus, Recycled Paper Greetings, Just Wink, Share a Laugh, Fun Pix, etc.)

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* 11. If non-card product was removed, what kind of product was it? (gift bags, tissue, bows, etc.)

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* 12. If the gift card fixture was installed on an endcap, what kind of endcap was it?

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* 13. If the gift card fixture was installed on an endcap, what product was removed from our endcap?

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* 14. Was any removed Everyday/Alternative card product boxed up and labeled "Gift Card Revision"? (Removed Seasonal cards should have been worked into other available Seasonal inline space.)

If removed Everyday/Alternative card product was not boxed up and labeled "Gift Card Revision" please box up and label it.

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* 15. Do you have a tape arm attached to the card run? (See example image below. American Greetings is not responsible for merchandising the tape arm, but is providing this data for CVS HQ.)

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