Thank you so much wanting to help our grassroots Church Voter Guides! Together, we win!

We are MUCH MORE than a Voter Guide, we are a community focused on activating the local church to impact their immediate region in the Government sphere...and beyond.

As we expand state in 2024, we have both a great need for many different talents, as well as deep desire to activate YOU to utilize your skills, talents, and passions for the glory of our Heavenly Father and His Messiah.

Please answer the survey below so that we know how you want to get involved and can plug you into what interests you.

(We promise that all of your info will be kept confidential, and only used for internal purposes to manage this project and communicate with you. It will not be shared with any 3rd party.)

If you need any more info, please contact us at:

Thanks much! It's our honor and privilege to colabor with you and other Kingdom-minded patriots.

For such a time as this,
The Church Voter Guides Team

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Info

Question Title

* 2. What are your core passions, skills, and talents that you would enjoy utilizing for the benefit of the Church Voter Guides movement?  (be as detailed as you wish, our movement has many needs and we're sure we can grow better and stronger with your unique contributions)

Question Title

* 3. I'm interested in Volunteering for the following roles with Church Voter Guides  - we will give you more details once you express general interest  (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. Church You Attend (Name, City)

Question Title

* 5. Any comments or questions?  Thanks!