Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center conducted a Community Health Assessment (CHA) in 2015 to the Yellowhawk service population 18 years and older. In May 2016, Yellowhawk staff has been in the process of sharing these results with the community.

In this brief questionnaire we would like to hear your opinion on some of the health priority areas as highlighted in the Community Health Assessment (CHA) that was previously shared with you. If you have not seen the CHA or would like to review further, please click here and see pages 90-97.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following health issues according to High, Medium, or Low  impact on your community's health.

  High Medium Low
Health Care: Access, Coverage, Utilization 
High Blood Pressure/Heart Disease
Tobacco Use
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Mental Health
Physical Activity

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* 2. Please rank the health topics in order of (least = 1) to (highest = 13) priority.

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* 3. Please briefly explain why you chose the first priority ranked above.

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* 4. Please briefly explain why you chose the second priority ranked above.

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* 5. Please briefly explain why you chose the third priority ranked above.

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* 6. Are you a CTUIR community member (you do not need to be an enrolled member)?

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* 7. Do you identify as American Indian?

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* 8. Are you a CTUIR Tribal Member ?

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* 9. Please provide a phone number and/or email if we may follow-up with you regarding your responses. Thank you.