As you know, Connecticut’s cultural resource organizations have faced significant cuts in state budget allocations over the last several years. While we have advocated effectively and proudly to protect state funding, your answers to the following questions will advance our efforts to summarize the impact of potential state budget cuts.

The following eight questions will be used as the basis of an economic impact study being conducted by a collaboration of Connecticut Humanities, Connecticut State Library, Connecticut Historical Society, Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, and Connecticut League of History Organizations. Please respond on behalf of your organization to the best of your ability by Monday, December 21, 2015. If POSSIBLE, please use data from 2015. (There is a box to indicate which year your data reflects.) This information will be shared upon completion of the full report in March 2016.

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* 1. How many paid staff do you employ? (If you have no paid staff, please leave this question blank.)

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* 2. What is the total amount your organization spent on salaries this year?

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* 3. How much money did your organization spend this year EXCLUSIVE of salaries? (This is your operating budget minus your salary expenses.)

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* 4. How much money was raised AND earned by your organization this year? (You may include membership, donations, gift shop and program revenue, grant funds, etc.)

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* 5. How many people volunteered for your organization this year? (Please include board members, committee members, docents, event volunteers, etc.)

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* 6. Please estimate the total number of volunteer hours donated by your organization's volunteers this year.

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* 7. How many people did your museum, historic site, archive or historical society serve this year? (Please include on-site visitors, school groups, unique website hits, event attendees, etc. If you need to estimate this number, please do so to the best of your ability.)

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* 8. This data reflects

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* 9. Please feel free to make any additional comments below.

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* 10. On behalf of the #CTPlacesMatter Team, thank you for completing this survey. If you would like to receive a copy of the completed report, please include the following information: