Question Title

* 1. What types of literature-based programming or activities do you currently do (as an attendee or organizer) at least one time each year? Please check all that apply

  In Person Virtual
Author talks
Literature festivals
Poetry readings
Storytelling programs
Writers' workshops
Plays/dramatic readings
School (K-12) programs on writing or engagement with literature
Book clubs or Community Reads programs
Read books

Question Title

* 2. What organizations and providers do you look to for information to find literature-based programming? Please check all that apply

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* 3. How far are you willing to travel to attend or present a program? 

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* 4. Do you prefer to attend events in person or online? 

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* 5. What types of literature-based programming or support would you like to see more of? Please check all that apply

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* 6. What was the best literature-based event you have attended in the past? What made it great? Where was it/who hosted it?

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* 7. Have you heard of... (check all that apply)