Worship – Connect – Serve
Marked with the Cross of Christ, we joyfully worship as a community and pass on the faith by:
Enhancing personal spiritual growth;
Building generational bridges;
Serving our neighbors;
Welcoming diversity;
and Striving for peace.
We ask God to help and guide us.

St. Luke Lutheran Church is undertaking a capital campaign to raise funds for the projects outlined in the Case for Support document. As you consider the current and future needs of St. Luke Lutheran, please thoughtfully and candidly respond to the questions below.

Note: All responses will be kept confidential.

Instructions: Please complete each question by filling in the blanks. If there are two adults in your household, you may include individual responses for each person where appropriate.

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* 1. How long have you attended St. Luke Lutheran Church?

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* 2. What do you do with your daytime hours? Employer? If retired, what was your occupation?

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* 3. What drew you to St. Luke Lutheran Church, and/or what keeps you coming?

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* 4. Prior to this survey, to what extent have you been aware of the proposed projects?

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* 5. I/We support St. Luke Lutheran Church conducting a capital campaign to help fund the proposed projects.

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* 6. I/We feel I/we know enough about the mission of St. Luke Lutheran Church to consider a financial commitment to a capital campaign.

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* 7. I/We support environmentally-conscious design for our church projects, even if costs are higher to accomplish these.

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* 8. The focus of our capital campaign will be to fund several projects. In addition to our three “must do” projects of replacing our heating system, repairing/upgrading our elevator, and renovating our multi-generational outdoor / play area, we seek to accomplish the list of items below.

To help us plan, please put a check next to those projects that interest or excite you the most (you may select as many as you like):

Question Title

* 9. What additional facilities projects, if any, would you want the church to consider?

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* 10. What ministry opportunities and potential new programs or events can you imagine happening in and through St. Luke Lutheran Church’s facilities in the coming years?

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* 11. The proposed projects for St. Luke Lutheran Church will require funding above and beyond the annual stewardship pledge or regular giving members currently dedicate to the church. A three-year financial pledge commitment to the proposed projects would be invited through a capital campaign.

If you were making your three-year financial commitment to the St. Luke Lutheran Church capital campaign today, what would it be? Please estimate a challenging and attainable gift your household would be willing to consider, above and beyond your giving to the annual operating program of St. Luke Lutheran Church, by checking the appropriate range.

Remember, this is NOT a commitment, only an estimate of what you might consider giving to the campaign over a three-year period (i.e., total gift payable over three years). Your responses will be held in confidence. (If individuals in the household are considering different gift amounts, please indicate both gifts separately below.)

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* 12. Should St. Luke Lutheran Church take a portion of funds raised through a capital campaign and direct it to a partner ministry or program outside the church as benevolence giving?

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* 13. Would you appreciate help considering how your gift could be made with assets other than cash? (e.g., a Qualified Charitable Distribution as part of a yearly Required Minimum Distribution from an IRA, gifts of stock or bonds, a gift of property, etc.).

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* 14. Do you work for an organization that has a matching gifts program?

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* 15. Whom would you recommend for a Capital Campaign Leadership Committee? – (list names)

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* 16. If asked, would you consider serving as part of a task group or sub-committee for a capital campaign in the late-Winter/Spring of 2025?

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* 17. How might you like to serve? (Check all that apply below)

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* 18. Which worship service do you most frequently attend?

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* 19. Do you have other questions, concerns, or advice for us to consider?

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* 20. The information below is helpful, but optional