33% of survey complete.
The Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida is holding the first Data and Technology Experience (D.A.T.E.) in Jacksonville, Florida on October 25, 2016. This event, the first of its kind in the southeastern United States, will bring nonprofits and experts in data and technology together to:

  • Effectively apply data and technology to strengthen the Northeast Florida nonprofit sector and community
  • Provide access to cutting edge and innovative ideas that have real world application
  • Introduce data and technology resources to the local nonprofit sector
  • Inspire and support collaboration for greater impact
D.A.T.E. will bring together 200 nonprofit professionals, Board members, funders, and business professionals at the historic
Jessie Ball duPont Center

The Nonprofit Center is seeking proposals from engaging presenters for two types of presentations:

1. Ninety minute workshops and presentations related to the tracks outlined below.  Presentations should cover a variety of skill levels, from beginner to advanced. Suggested topic in each track are described below, although proposals need not be limited to the suggestions.

2. Stories and real-life examples of successes and challenges in implementing and using technology and data.  These stories and examples should include specific details of what the organization was trying to accomplish, what tools/resources it needed, and how the results improved the impact of the organization.

Limited funding is available for out-of-town travel.  Proposals must be submitted by 5PM on August 12th.

Tracks include:
Cloud Services: Doing More With Less
  • What is a Cloud and How is it Used?
  • Doing More with Less – Resources that will run your organization
  • Myths and Facts of Cloud Security
  • Assessing your risk footprint and finding solutions that cover it
  • Types and Costs of Cloud Hosting
  • Updating your internal policies based on transitioning to a Cloud
Software: The Tools for Success
  • Data Migration
  • IT Assessments
  • Communications tools
  • Assessing communications success
  • Analytics gathering and interpretation
  • CRM/Fundraising Options
  • How to Fund Software Investments
  • Using Apps/Mobile Technology to Provide Services
  • Advanced Features of Excel
  • How to use various software
  • Future of Software
Organizational Readiness
  • Changing Your Organization’s Culture to Adapt to Technology
  • IT solutions for all staff positions
  • How to incorporate Data and Technology goals into individual annual performance goals
  • Using Design Thinking
  • Knowledge transfer systems
  • Creating continuous learning environments
  • Data 101 – what is evaluation and how is data used?
  • Data 101 – how do nonprofits measure impact?
  • Funding Data Collection and Interpretation
  • Big Data – what is it?
  • Big Data – how do we use it?
  • Storytelling and Advocacy with Data
  • Data Visualization, from simple to advanced
  • Borderless data
  • Program evaluation
  • Security and Privacy Concerns
  • Ethics of Data Collection and Use
  • How Foundations use data to make decisions
Success and Challenge Stories
  • Large nonprofits
  • Small nonprofits
  • Collaborations
  • Foundation perspective
  • Partnerships

Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following information:

Question Title

* 2. Please select the type of presentation