CSIM Evaluation Form
Your feedback is invaluable and will help us improve the meeting and plan future educational activities.

Thursday, October 11, 2018
CSIM/Royal College Osler Lecture: Precision Medicine and the General Internist – Dr. Finlay McAlister

To thank you for completing these evaluation forms, we will hold a daily draw for a $25 Tim Hortons gift card. If you wish to enter, please indicate your name and email address. Winners will be announced on-site at the meeting and on social media.

Participation is optional; if you do not wish to participate, leave the following two fields blank.

One entry per session evaluated. Contact information will only be used for draw purposes. Survey responses are anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

Question Title

* 2. Your Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Please rate this session as follows

  Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent
Scientific content of this presentation
Usefulness/practicality of this presentation
Adequate time for questions/discussion
Speaker effectiveness

Question Title

* 4. Session objectives were met

  Not at all Partially Mostly Completely
Describe precision medicine vs. personalized medicine.
Review the current status of precision medicine efforts relevant to General Internal Medicine practice.
Explore the potential benefits and limits of precision medicine in the practice of General Internal Medicine.

Question Title

* 5. Which CanMEDS roles do you feel were addressed during this educational activity?

Question Title

* 6. Outcomes: As a result of attending this session, are you planning to

  Yes No Maybe
Discuss the session with your colleagues
Pursue additional learning activities
Complete a Personal Learning Project (PLP)

Question Title

* 7. What new information did you learn from this session?

Question Title

* 8. What changes will you make as a result?

Question Title

* 9. As part of its continuing professional development efforts, the CSIM would like to follow up with you in three months regarding potential impact this session had on your practice.

Question Title

* 10. Bias and Balance

  Yes No Unsure
The content of this presentation was scientifically valid and balanced
This session WAS FREE from indicators of undue industry bias
This session WAS FREE from indicators of undue personal/other bias

Question Title

* 11. General Comments

Question Title

* 12. Topic suggestions for future conferences (please be as specific as possible)

An evaluation form for general conference feedback is available on the CSIM website and will also be emailed to you after the conference.

Thank you for your feedback.