Question Title

* 1. Education:

Question Title

* 2. SETA accreditation number

Question Title

* 3. Please select option below relevant to your programme


Question Title

* 4. Contact information

Question Title

* 5. Physical address

Question Title

* 6. Postal address

Question Title

* 7. Date of organisations inception:

Question Title

* 8. What is your organisation registered as?

Question Title

* 9. Please complete:

Question Title

* 10. What is your organisation’s vision?

Question Title

* 11. What is your organisation’s mission?

Question Title

* 12. Describe your service:

Question Title

* 13. How do you define success in your organisation?

Question Title

* 14. List some of your organisations major achievements:

Question Title

* 15. What type of work that will be carried out with the funding?

Question Title

* 16. How long will the project carry out (Start and end date of project/programme)?

Question Title

* 17. Who are the primary beneficiaries of your programme?

Question Title

* 19. What are the programme objectives?

Question Title

* 20. Location of programme roll-out

Question Title

* 21. What are the programme deliverables?

Question Title

* 22. How many beneficiaries did your organisation support in the previous year?

Question Title

* 23. What do you base this number on? (For example, registers, a database and attendees)


Question Title

* 25. Are you B-BBEE compliant?


Question Title

* 26.  Identify your organisation’s main sources of income?

Question Title

* 27. What funds are confirmed for the next three years?

Question Title

* 28. Identify previous and current funders:

Question Title

* 29. Provide details of any previous funding or material support from Growthpoint Properties:

Question Title

* 30. How much funding is requested towards the project/programme?

Question Title

* 31. What will the funds be allocated towards?

Question Title

* 32. Please provide total budget for the organisation:

Question Title

* 33. What other organisational needs does the organisation have (other than monetary)?


Question Title

* 34. What is the intended impact for the proposed funding? Please also specify the indicators used to monitor the impact.

Question Title

* 35. What  is the organisation’s  'Theory of Change'?

Question Title

* 36. What monitoring and evaluation systems and/or processes to you use?

* Complete all sections and  provide as much detail as possible.

*Please be advised that if we require any other documentation such as financials, budgets, BEE certificates, etc, we will contact you.