Project Background and Participation Consent

Calgary Sexual Health Centre (CSHC) provides education and support around sexual health to Calgary and surrounding communities. Since 2010 when we began delivering WiseGuyz for junior high boys, a year-long program that covers topics ranging from human rights and sexual health to gender and positive relationships, we’ve heard from schools, parents, other organizations, and girls themselves “What about a program for girls?” Our comprehensive school based sexuality education program provides excellent information for approximately 10,000 students a year. It talks about engaging in healthy sexual relationships, but there remains a need for targeted programming for girls addressing the urgency of issues they face. Daily, girls of all ages confront: sexualized images in the media, idealized portrayal of girls’ and women’s bodies, internet pornography, dating and cyber violence and bullying, and mental and emotional challenges, to name a few.
Purpose of the Survey

With funding from the Calgary Foundation and the Silver Gummy Foundation, CSHC is developing a program for girls that begins to address some of these complex issues. We’ve completed an investigation of the science and now we are gathering information from parents (biological and non-biological caregivers), professionals working with girls, and girls themselves about the

1. needs of school-aged girls in Calgary, both directly and indirectly related to sexual health (healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality)  and the barriers they experience to growing into safe, confident, healthy women

2. programs, resources, and services already available in Calgary and area for girls addressing healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality directly and indirectly, as well as their strengths and weaknesses

3. solutions to help girls grow into safe, confident, healthy women with respect to healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality.

The survey responses will inform the design and content of our girls program.

Consent to Participate in Survey

We value your insight, experience, and views and hope you will take the time to share your thoughts with us. Together, we can build communities that equip girls with the skills and confidence needed to confront challenges, and grow into healthy women.

The survey will take approximately 15–30 minutes to complete.  You can choose whether or not to participate in the survey, and stop at any time without penalty or prejudice. Your responses will remain anonymous and confidential, no names or identifying information will be accompany your responses, or be mentioned in any report or documents created.

Question Title

* 1. Do you understand this information and agree to participate under the conditions stated above?

10% of survey complete.