Update 2020-21 Accountability and Family Partnership contacts

Superintendents and BOCES directors are asked to update their accountability and family partnership contacts’ information to ensure critical information about relevant information gets to the right person over the summer and throughout the school year.

Accountability Contacts must be registered with the Accountability and Continuous Improvement Unit and approved by the district superintendent in order to receive all state accountability-related communications, including information on performance frameworks and accreditation. When appointing a new Accountability Contact, superintendents are also granting access to student level Personally Identifiable Information (PII) associated with the accountability calculations.
Family partnership contacts will receive information about resources and support from CDE about family-school-community partnerships for student learning. Small, rural districts are not required to identify a family partnership contact but may still sign up so they can receive information about the resources and supports. The contact appointment form and superintendent signature are not required to update the family partnership contacts.

Please select your district and complete this survey by July 14th, 2020. Contact Sharon Walsh with any questions at walsh_s@cde.state.co.us.