September 2024 HL7 FHIR Applications Roundtable - Atlanta, GA

HL7 is pleased to announce plans for a HL7 FHIR Applications Roundtable convening September 24, 2024 at the Omni Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, GA as part of our Working Group Plus (WGM+) event. The focus of our WGM+ event is AI and Global Innovation. Special consideration shall be given to apps that emphasize these themes, that are in production and utilization, and which have been created by small or non-profit organizations.

Developers interested in providing a 10-minute overview of their functioning HL7 FHIR app are invited to respond to this survey by July 15, 2024. Please note that the purpose of these presentations is to introduce the community to the HL7 FHIR-based solutions already in use or being piloted. Overt marketing presentations are not appropriate for this event. Presenters will also have an opportunity to demo and network with attendees after their presentation. The Roundtable committee will review submissions and select the apps to be presented at this event. Roundtable committee decision will be made by August 1, 2024.

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* 1. If I accept an invitation to present at this meeting, I agree to waive any claims to and authorize HL7 to: (a) record my presentation, (b) post my presentation PowerPoint and presentation recording on the HL7 educational portal, HL7 FHIR App registry or other internet sites for HL7 members and the general public.

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* 2. Please provide the following demographic information:

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your company?

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* 4. My app demonstrates the use of HL7 FHIR.

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* 5. Please provide the following information about your app:

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* 6. If selected to present my app at this even, I can attend the event in person and agree to pay any related travel expenses.

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* 7. Please provide any additional information you feel would be important to the Roundtable Committee.