Welcome to Central Reform Temple of Boston registration for High Holy Day services. To ensure the security of everyone who attends our services we require all non-members to register at least 24 hours prior to the service or services you plan to attend. No one will be admitted onsite or online without having prior registration or accompanied by a CRT member. 

Backpacks and large bags should not be brought to the services onsite. We ask that you remove long coats before entering the sanctuary.

Your safety is our goal. We are so happy that you plan to join us for these important services.

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* 1. Address

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* 2. Please tell us who referred you to CRT or how you learned about our services.

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* 3. Do you have a current congregational affiliation?

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* 4. If you plan to bring additional friends or family members please include first and last names of each member in your group.

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* 5. Which services do you plan to attend. Please check all that apply

You will receive an email confirmation for your records. When you arrive in person for your service please have that email available. Any reservation will add you to our temple mailing list so you will have the Zoom links for services. Only names on Zoom that are registered will be admitted to the service online.

Thank you for your interest in joining us at Central Reform Temple of Boston for your New Year services.