Welcome to the Employee Assessment
Our organization is participating in a program called the Crisis Employee Support Program (CRESP). CRESP was created to provide support for our employee team members who may be facing challenges, especially during COVID-19.

One of the benefits of the CRESP program is an assessment that is given to all employees to help inform potential future program offerings. This assessment is designed to ask questions related to life before and during COVID-19. It includes questions about your satisfaction, emotional health, and needs that you and your family may or may not have.

This assessment will be available until June 18, 2021. We ask that you take a few moments to complete these questions. The surveys are anonymous and completely confidential. If you experience any problems completing the assessment or need assistance, please contact your organization’s Employee Liaison.

There are nine other faith-based organizations participating in the CRESP program. The CRESP program is funded through the Richard King Mellon Foundation and operated through Healthcare Council of Western Pennsylvania.