Dear residents and friends of Grand Island (NY),

In order to advocate for the future we all want for Grand Island, we need your advice and input. We know that some of you may have contributed to the process to create the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. That document was designed to include community input in developing land use goals. It claims to represent the desires and vision of the residents of the community, but we want to confirm your vision for the Island so that we can best represent your interest and goals.

This is in line with the mission for CRED4GI:
"The Coalition for Responsible Economic Development for Grand Island (CRED4GI) is dedicated to sharing information and informed discussion related to proposed development efforts on Grand Island. We are a non-political group of concerned citizens that represent the rights and views of Grand Island homeowners and residents to ensure that any proposed development is congruent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and that zoning laws are respected and followed."

We request your assistance in completing a brief survey about your vision for responsible economic development. Please provide your input on what businesses are needed on the Island - what would fit and thrive; what are the Island assets that should be promoted and protected within a future business model; and importantly, where should business entities be located in the community to fit with the current infrastructure and maintain the unique character and setting of residential areas.

As an organization, CRED4GI is concerned about the appropriate balance between residential and commercial interests on Grand Island. We understand the need to attract and retain businesses on Grand Island to increase our tax base and help offset the increasing costs of infrastructure and maintenance that are necessary to support our community without unreasonable property tax increases being levied on homeowners.

Active citizen engagement is what brings people and places together, creates successful endeavors, and brings pride to the community! The results of this survey will be shared with you, our elected officials and with the Town advisory boards. Thank you for caring for Grand Island and for your continual engagement in making the Island a grand place... not just to live, but for everyone who wants to enjoy what Grand Island has to offer.