CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Draft Report on Statutory Planning for WSUD in Adelaide

Statutory Planning for Water Sensitive Urban Design project is part of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities (Project B5.1) focusing on influencing urban design, planning and land use and development policy frameworks. The project has two central aims which are to:

1.      assess the role that statutory planning legislation, regulation and processes in facilitating or constraining the adoption of WSUD; and

2.      identify best practice planning policies and planning legislation to facilitate WSUD  in cities.

Project B5.1 has carried out a literature review of statutory planning frameworks affecting WSUD across five Australian cities – Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.  Presented as five separate reports, the review will inform Project B5.1’s final report (to be published in 2016), which will provide a comparative analysis of policy regimes across the five jurisdictions and identify best practice policy approaches and reform options to mainstreaming WSUD.   For an insight into the preliminary findings of these reports view the presentation by Linda Choi at the Pathways to water sensitive communities through planning seminar hosted by Water Sensitive SA in October 2015.

Your input can be provided by completing the online survey link to survey and would help to ensure that policy reform priorities for WSUD in the final report for Adelaide address issues of concern for your organisation.